Residential solar is a great choice if you have a suitable location for your solar panels on your roof or property.

Residential solar can be a particularly good investment, with up to two-thirds of the cost being covered by state and federal incentives. If you finance the rest, your monthly payments can be the same as what you are currently paying the utility for electricity.

Read on for a list of contractors who install solar arrays on residences to ask them for a free solar quote, and for a list of incentives. We recommend getting a few quotes from certified local contractors who can help you access the various federal and state incentives, and explore different solar possibilities that are right for you.

You may also want to consider Community Solar and the "Subscription model" of going solar.


Incentives for Residential Solar

There are three main incentives available to homes in the area:

  1. NYSERDA rebate - as of 3/19/25, rebate is at $0.15/watt, and $0.80/watt for income-eligible households

  2. NYS Tax Credit - 25% of cost, after the rebate, up to $5,000. Credit can be claimed over five years.

  3. Federal Tax Credit - 30% of cost, after the rebate. Valid for projects completed through 2032 (then it decreases).

In addition, there are financing options to help pay for the remainder of the cost after incentives.


These contractors with offices in the Southern Tier provide residential solar services. See here for a larger list of all NYSERDA-approved contractors. We encourage you to get quotes from several contractors and to do your research to find one that works for you. There are also lists of contractors for Community Solar and the Subscription Model.

  • Allegany Renewable Technologies - 2881 Murphy Hill Rd., Almond (Allegany County) - (716) 307-0095

  • My Solar Grid - 104 N. Duane Ave., Endicott (Broome County) - 607-785-6499

  • Bouille Electric - P.O. Box 34, 154 E. 5th St., Elmira (Chemung County) - (607) 734-6106

  • Great Brook Solar - 819 County Rd. 28, South Berlin (Chenango County) - (607) 345-2761

  • Catskill Solar - 11368 County Hwy 14, Delhi (Delaware County) - (607) 746-7041

  • Revolution Solar - 709 County Hwy 33, Cooperstown (Otsego County) - (607) 441-0367

  • Upstate Energy Solutions - 4316 State Route 414, Burdett (Schuyler County) - (607) 229-4176

  • Twin Tier Solar and Wind - 1836 Grand Central Ave., Elmira Heights (Chemung County) - (607) 734-1029

  • Four Winds Renewable Energy - 8902 Route 46, Arkport (Steuben County) - (607) 324-9747

  • Halco Energy - 1730 Mecklenburg Rd. Suite B, Ithaca (Tompkins County) - (315) 688-1945

  • Renovus Solar - 1520 Trumansburg Rd., Ithaca (Tompkins County) - (607) 277-1777

  • Sungineer Solar - 1653 Slaterville Rd., Ithaca (Tompkins County) - (607) 288-2898